Clark, Wyoming Landfill Fencing Project
6/16/12Grizzly bears have been using this landfill on the Beartooth front heavily over the last couple of years. Bear management officials have spent countless hours trapping, relocating, and monitoring bears at this site that is not inside typical grizzly habitat. The fence was old and dilapidated. Yellowstone Country Bear Hunters Association was lucky enough to help out the Wyoming Game and Fish Bear Management team on the erection of an electrified fence around the perimeter of the site.
The site used to have carcass dumb but that has been destroyed. Other attempts to deter bears such as flashing lights have been unsuccessful as bears become conditioned. There have been several bears trapped at this site over the last few years. Hopefully this fence will deter anymore bears from entering and free up time for bear management officials to work in other areas. We need to limit grizzly depredation in order to obtain a hunting season.
Again Hunters are the first Conservationist. We are helping as a hunting outfit to do our part for grizzly recovery and sustainability.
If you have any project ideas or plans coming up and you need help please contact us!Wyoming Bear Box Project 2016 and 2017
The past few years the Western Bear Foundation has partnered with the Wyoming Game and Fish Department to place bear proof storage containers on the Spence/Moriarity WMA and Whiskey Basin WMA. near Dubois, WY. This area is of growing concern for Large Carnivore Managers in Wyoming due to the increase presence of Grizzly Bears and high usage by recreationist. The effort to place boxes will limit human/bear conflicts and keep bears wild and on the mountain for all of us to enjoy. The Project reached completion in the spring of 2017. It was a 2 year program that placed 12 boxes at campsites and trailheads in the area.
If you have any project ideas or plans coming up and you need help please contact us!Bear Spray Giveaway
2016 - 2017We have partnered with the Wyoming Game and Fish, Wyoming Outdoorsmen, and Bowhunters of Wyoming the past 2 years to give out 100 cans of bear spray in Cody, WY and Jackson Hole, WY. The spray was handed out to people from the area with valid hunting and fishing licenses.
This ongoing project is an effort to outfit more sportsmen and women with bear spray and tools to recreate safely in grizzly bear country. The Spray has proven effective in reducing human bear conflicts.
If you have any project ideas or plans coming up and you need help please contact us!Bear Collar Replace
February 2016In February 2016 we accompanied the Bear Biologist and Large Carnivore team in Wyoming on a bear collar replacement. The bears collar had stopped working in the den and needed to be replaced. This bears den high in the Wyoming Range of Western Wyoming.
The bear was collared during the summer months during an ongoing effort to collar more bears in that range to get a better understanding of black bear movements and habits
If you have any project ideas or plans coming up and you need help please contact us!Disabled Hunter Bear Hunts
May 2015In May 2015 The Western Bear Foundation took Dustin Shilcox on a Wyoming Bear Hunt. While Dustin was unsuccessful in taking a bear we had a great time and he had a great opportunity to take a bear on the second night. Dustin was paralyzed from the waste down in a car accident several years ago. His efforts to live life to the fullest regardless of abilities is truly and inspiration and he is very active in the community of people facing similar challenges.
The Western Bear Foundation Started the Disabled Hunters Bear Hunting program in 2015 in an effort to share our passion for bears and bear hunting with those who may never realize an opportunity to hunt bears due to physical challenges
If you have any project ideas or plans coming up and you need help please contact us!Disabled Hunter Bear Hunts
May 2016Through a collaborative effort with Jason Matzinger of Into High Country and many of the Western Bear Foundation members in Idaho we where able to continue the Disabled Bear Hunters Program in Idaho for 2016. In May of 2016 The Western Bear Foundation took Jake Simmons of Nampa, Idaho on a Idaho Bear Hunt. Jake has long dreamed of being able to hunt bears and the prospect of harvesting a bear. Jake reached out to Jason Matzinger of Into High Country who then reached out to us to make this hunt happen. The experience form beginning to end was wonderful and changed the lives of everyone involved. Jake is such a great young man who has taken ever challenge life has thrown at him with a smile on his face. Jake was able to harvest a beautiful bear on the last night and in the last minutes of his hunt. Jason was able to capture all the footage and it was aired on an episode of Into High Country on the Sportsmen's Channel
We want to be sure to thank all the individuals involved on making this such a great hunt and experience!The Western Bear Foundation Started the Disabled Hunters Bear Hunting program in 2015 in an effort to share our passion for bears and bear hunting with those who may never realize an opportunity to hunt bears due to physical challenges
If you have any project ideas or plans coming up and you need help please contact us!Montana Bear Proof Fencing
2018Through a collaborative effort with Montana FWP, USFWS, and Blackfoot Challenge the Western Bear Foundation provided funding for important bear fencing on the Rocky Mountain Front and the Western Montana. The fences will be crucial in providing protection for livestock, crops, and property. The fence will also provide safety for humans living and using these properties. Over the last several years we have realized a great amount of expansion in grizzly bear home ranges causes conflicts with humans.
If you have any project ideas or plans coming up and you need help please contact us!Wyoming Black Bear Population Study
2020Through a collaborative effort with the University of Wyoming and Wyoming Game and Fish Department the American Bear Foundation provided funding and labor a large scale study on black bear populations in Wyoming. The study aims to determine black bear population in specific ranges in Wyoming to better inform management decisions. Black bears are collared and monitored for a better understanding of habitat use. Genetic data from hair will be used to estimate population density and abundance to more accurately assess and develop objectives for population management. This is a continuing study in Wyoming and ABF is committed to it into the future.
- Bighorns Black Bear
Veteran Bear Hunts
2021The American Bear Foundation is proud to continue our Veteran Hunt Program. We are passionate about helping Veterans and Active Duty Military, LEO's, and First Respondors. Our program aims to get them into the field and help them achieve goals and dreams of learning about bear hunting, conservation, and ultimately harvesting a bear. With the help of other organizations like Make A Difference Outdoors, Mountain Ambush, and Black Rifle Coffee Company we have been able to take several Veterans and Active Duty Military Personnel on successful bear hunts!